Cooking, eating, Food

Twosday Delicious Messy Food My Picks for Today Are…

Twosday, Tuesday, attic, arctic, potaito, potato…anyways! Food is so delicious, all kinds, I love all kinds of food from all over the world. I like healthy, very healthy, not very healthy, messy, very messy, soups, salads, meat, even vegetarian meals cooked well can be so delicious.

Volcano Fries at Nomad Dubai

tuesday messy food dubai dra martha castro noriega

I just like to eat, and THAT is why I have to keep on moving, my friends. And I do. I exercise a lot. My favorite sports to practice: Bicycling and running upstairs, up and down.

So, I can afford this kind of meal, but not often though and in small portions. The good thing is that this wonderful messy food is in Dubai. So I can’t try it very often, LOL, especially now with the Coronavirus infecting all countries around the world and consequent travel restrictions.

Crazy Shakes at Black Tap Dubai

tuesday messy food dubai dra martha castro noriega

Cheese Volcano in Nomad Dubai

tuesday messy food dubai dra martha castro noriega

 Charcoal Ice-Cream Shake at Scoopi Café

tuesday messy food dubai dra martha castro noriega

23 thoughts on “Twosday Delicious Messy Food My Picks for Today Are…”

      1. Yes, they all looked good especially the cheesy fries. Thank you for sending the recipe if you make it. No, I am unfortunately not a good cook and have not been too successful with baking either. I have decided when I retire, I will take the time to learn how to cook. In the meantime I am vicariously enjoying all your treats Martha.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I will try my own making of the Volcano fries, I hope I do OK and my grandkids enjoy them this weekend. I will let you know how it went. I am not an excellent cook either, but I like to eat well and everything exotic and sometimes I just cannot get it because of the closing of restaurants, and I want my food! LOL… I am sure you’ll be a great cook when you decide to start.
        In the meantime, like you said it, keep enjoying my treats. I am going to post more messy messy food. Have a great day, Linda. Take care.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I will enjoy your treats Martha. I plan to try to learn to cook and bake at a higher level 🙂 once I retire and have more time. Our restaurants are all still closed too, except for takeout. I’ll look forward to more messy posts from you Martha!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Yep. Getting out on the bike a couple of times a week, combined with another exercise, mines karate, means that I can be a complete chip monster.

    Liked by 2 people

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