Blogging, Education, Science

Thought of the Day: I am Intelligent….and Disorganized!

inspiration education intelligent dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

Are you a disorganized person? Good news: you are intelligent! Well, that is what a scientific study tells us, known us Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) conducted by the University of Georgia.
Please, have in mind that “being disorganized” does not mean having your house, room, or office upside down, lol.

Since I was a child I had to deal with disorganization problems. I made myself do things in an organized manner, but it was and still is a constant fight; but now I have found a magnificent and important reason to explain the way I behave, and it is simple: I am intelligent.

However, I don’t think that people who are well-organized are NOT intelligent,  au contraire.  I am just happy to have found 9 reasons to excuse my disorganization traits…and I have them all!


1.  They Are Extraordinarily Creative.

2. They Have Difficulty Maintaining Focus On Things That Bore Them.

3. They Are “Addicted To Insight”.

4. They Have A Wide Variety Of Interests.

5. They Tend To Lose Track Of Time.

6. They Are Visionaries Who Often Score In The Gifted Range On Verbal IQ Tests.

7. They May Appear To Be “Geeks” Or “Know-It-Alls” To Others.

8. They Develop Strong Attachments To Often Unrelated Things And People.

9. They Want To Be Around High-Energy People.

Read more about 9 Reasons…
Gifted Education

10 thoughts on “Thought of the Day: I am Intelligent….and Disorganized!”

  1. Yay me – I was organized before becoming a blogger who takes lots of pictures and writes long posts. 🙂 Not only can I not maintain focus on boring things, I will “zone out” – often at work. Good thing I work remotely.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Glad to give you a laugh and make your day Martha. My work/life balance is just not right anymore … if I were to make a pie for my free time, cooking and cleaning sadly are on the bottom of the heap. 🙂


  2. Of course I will be there listed as very eccentric or plain crazy 😂 disorganized that’s a great way 🤔 to be. Happy Women Day 8 March ❤️❤️❤️


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