Art, inspiration, Motivation

Angelart Star A Blog To Inspire Happiness In Your Heart

“The beautiful picture of angels makes you happy.”

Angelart Star

☆☆☆ Tanka ☆☆☆

Rose garden in heavenly light
Little bird sings for glorious floral angel
Brilliant petals dream immortal peace
Gentle wind knows secret hope of universe

Gorgeous beautiful love from everlasting graceful spirit

Angels Angelart start happy happiness heart dra martha castro noriega tijuana wordpress blog blogging writing always
inspiration, Motivation

Forget Anxiety Enjoy the Pleasures in Life

 images motivation dr martha castro tijuana

Forget about the frantic life and live day by day.

If you are affected by the insane excitement that work puts us through, slow down that frantic pace of life in the city and enjoy the relaxing-vibrant life in nature.

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We can do it in the backyard of our homes, bicycling in the forest or along the ocean, or we can travel to a wonderfully calming place in this beautiful world of ours!

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Keep always in mind that we decide how to think and respond to the events in our lives. Most people respond to how the events make them feel. But there is another way to live, a way that will foster peace from the depths of our souls.

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What do you do to find calm, peace, and joy in your life, away from the hectic life in the city?

 images motivation dr martha castro tijuana


inspiration, Motivation

5 Ways to Stop Worrying and to Truly Live Your Life


#1 — Don’t allow the fear of failure to stop you from taking risks

While we will all do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure in the short term, we need to flip our thinking so that we look more to the long term. We must ask ourselves questions like, “Why am I so worried? What’s the worst that can happen if I just take a risk? What’s the potential outcome 2, 3, 5, or even 10 years from now?

happiness worries inspiration dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

#2 — Remember that you’ve got this — you’ve pulled through before, and you’ll pull through again

Other ways to achieve it: all you have to do is realize that you’ve pulled through in the past and you’ll pull through again. Jot down how you were able to figure out a once-desperate situation. Recall the times when things seemed dark and bleak, but somehow, one way or another, you figured it out. You did it before and you’ll do it again.

happiness worries inspiration dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

#3 — Immediately disrupt any and all detrimental behavior and negative beliefs that are holding you back

happiness worries inspiration dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

I talk about beliefs because worry is born from a state of negative beliefs. There are different ways to come to the “chronic worrying path”. We worry because we believe we’re not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough to see something through. We worry because we don’t think we have what it takes. That leads to negative thinking and a set of resultant behaviors that help to close the loop of negativity.

#4 — Your self-worth doesn’t rely on others’ opinions of you — ignore the naysayers

Make a conscious decision right now to do it. Decide, right here in this very moment, that your life means more than others’ opinions of you. And tell yourself you’re not going to worry about it anymore. It’s just not that important. It’s not worth your mental health. Just keep doing you and moving forward. All of the rest will eventually fall into place over time.

happiness worries inspiration dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

#5 — Anything in life that’s worthwhile, will never, ever come easy

Worrying does a huge number on us. It takes away on every level.

Physically, emotionally, spiritually, and or financially. But, in order to move away from worry, not only do we need a major shift in our focus, but we need a strategic plan for the future. We need to set goals, create a plan, take action, persist, and never give up. Find your way back!

inspiration, love, Motivation

Love Connection Heart-Brain will Make You the Happiest

“Part of the whole attraction process is strongly linked to physiological arousal as a whole,” said Timothy Loving (his real name), assistant professor of human ecology at the University of Texas, Austin. “Typically, that’s going to start with things like increased heart rate, sweating and so on,”

love inspiration motivation dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico
love inspiration motivation dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico

“Amor” also has health benefits for people who have aged beyond their reproductive years, she said. Being in love makes people feel optimistic, energetic, focused and motivated.

love inspiration motivation dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico