Education, inspiration, mental health

A Healthcare Woman Shares Her Battle With Depression Part 1

healthcare person battles depression mental health problem anxiety sadness education hope dra martha andrea castro noriega tijuana baja california mexico

Nora Super is a healthcare practitioner who has decided to share her longtime battle with depression. I applaud her for being open about this mental health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. This is her story:

“In February 2021 I checked into a psychiatric ward. After I answered yes to the following questions, the emergency department doctor admitted me: Do you have little interest or pleasure in doing things? Do you feel bad about yourself or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down? Do you have trouble concentrating on things such as reading the newspaper or watching television? Do you have thoughts that you would be better off dead or hurting yourself? Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

After several weeks of crippling anxiety and depression, I was back in a place I dread more than any other, but I know it’s the safest place for me to be when I feel that low. This wasn’t the first time I’d been there, and unfortunately, it probably wouldn’t be the last. That’s the bad news. The good news is that I recovered and expect to recover again.”

Lifestyle, mental health

5 Things I Love About Hypocrites

hypocrites dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california america

    1. Hypocrites have “taught” me to be more careful about trusting so easily.

    2. They have shown me that the world can be beautiful without them in my life.

    3. I am stronger because of their hypocritical self-righteous judgment.

    4. I love it that these people get offended by the truth.

    5. I have learned to appreciate and love the people around me who are truthful, straightforward honest, and never deceive me.

The cause of hypocrisy originally stems from insecurity.

Selfishness is a form of insecurity because an overly selfish person needs to take advantage of or withhold resources from others since they don’t believe they can live their best life being generous and honest.

That implies that they have less trust in their ability to live a comfortable life, meaning they are insecure about their skills.

According to this logic presented, hypocrisy really only originates from insecurity if the two main causes are insecurity and selfishness.

hypocrites dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california america

“People dislike hypocrites because they unfairly use condemnation to gain reputational benefits and appear virtuous at the expense of those who they are condemning –when these reputational benefits are in fact undeserved,”

Explains psychological scientist Jillian Jordan of Yale University, first author on the research.

hypocrites dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california america

Animals, Blogging, Nature

A Beast for the Ages Discover Polar Bears

dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico nature polar bears animals

Why do we love (and fear, and kill) polar bears with so much intensity? At Longreads, Michael Engelhard, a wilderness guide and anthropologist, looks into the Arctic predator’s grip on our imagination.

Very interesting read here A Beast for the Ages — Discover

inspiration, Motivation

Good Morning To All Just Telling You It Is Nice To Be Alive

It is nice to be alive, and well. To be able to enjoy the pleasures of life, and learn from the pains that we all go through at some point in our lives.

Grow, run, pause, walk, think, fly, learn, forget, love, write, sing, dance… oh goodness, it is beautiful to have two eyes and be able to see the forest, the beach, the trees, to see nature, the entire world. It’s wonderful to be alive.

In the meantime, I will proceed to drink my cup of coffee and enjoy every single sip of it.

inspiration, Motivation

5 Ways to Stop Worrying and to Truly Live Your Life


#1 — Don’t allow the fear of failure to stop you from taking risks

While we will all do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure in the short term, we need to flip our thinking so that we look more to the long term. We must ask ourselves questions like, “Why am I so worried? What’s the worst that can happen if I just take a risk? What’s the potential outcome 2, 3, 5, or even 10 years from now?

happiness worries inspiration dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

#2 — Remember that you’ve got this — you’ve pulled through before, and you’ll pull through again

Other ways to achieve it: all you have to do is realize that you’ve pulled through in the past and you’ll pull through again. Jot down how you were able to figure out a once-desperate situation. Recall the times when things seemed dark and bleak, but somehow, one way or another, you figured it out. You did it before and you’ll do it again.

happiness worries inspiration dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

#3 — Immediately disrupt any and all detrimental behavior and negative beliefs that are holding you back

happiness worries inspiration dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

I talk about beliefs because worry is born from a state of negative beliefs. There are different ways to come to the “chronic worrying path”. We worry because we believe we’re not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough to see something through. We worry because we don’t think we have what it takes. That leads to negative thinking and a set of resultant behaviors that help to close the loop of negativity.

#4 — Your self-worth doesn’t rely on others’ opinions of you — ignore the naysayers

Make a conscious decision right now to do it. Decide, right here in this very moment, that your life means more than others’ opinions of you. And tell yourself you’re not going to worry about it anymore. It’s just not that important. It’s not worth your mental health. Just keep doing you and moving forward. All of the rest will eventually fall into place over time.

happiness worries inspiration dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

#5 — Anything in life that’s worthwhile, will never, ever come easy

Worrying does a huge number on us. It takes away on every level.

Physically, emotionally, spiritually, and or financially. But, in order to move away from worry, not only do we need a major shift in our focus, but we need a strategic plan for the future. We need to set goals, create a plan, take action, persist, and never give up. Find your way back!

suicide depression anxiety dra martha castro tijuana
mental health, Motivation

Suicide Can Be Preventable Use Strong Love Education Compassion


Suicide can be preventable from infancy. Having caring parents and relatives who really love their children and look out for them, creating an optimal and loving environment for their healthy and happy growth.

suicide depression anxiety dra martha castro tijuana

But, even when we have had been raised in loving homes by caring parents, in a healthy social and mental environment bad things happen to good people as we all know: a failed marriage, the death of a loved one, the loss of work or income, a traumatic accident; things that could trigger an acute depression and if not treated immediately it could develop into a severe case of suicidal depression.

suicide depression anxiety dra martha castro tijuana

When a friend, a child, a patient, anybody tells us that “I don’t want to live anymore”, or that  “I am going to kill myself tonight or tomorrow”, we have the responsibility as human beings to believe him/her and help in any way possible and as soon as possible.

suicide depression anxiety dra martha castro tijuana

However, this almost seems like a difficult dream in the world we live in. But it is not impossible, we have to have hope, always, and have love, for ourselves, our children, our family, and friends.

suicide depression anxiety dra martha castro tijuana
inspiration, Motivation

102 Years Old Woman “I am Marvelous”

102 years old: MILLIE BAILEY
“I am Marvelous” by Shiloh Sophia

“Today I choose.
I have chosen to be the queen of my kingdom.
To name me as the ruler of my life.
I will not wait for the approval of others.
I choose to listen to this big heart within me.
I have chosen to occupy this space in this Universe.
I don’t keep my gifts hidden any longer.
I don’t allow fear to hinder my greatness.
I have chosen to be as wonderful as I truly am.
I don’t judge myself for the path I have not yet taken, or for the way I have behaved so far.
I choose to forgive myself and release the old stories
to make room for new stories, for legends to emerge.
I will not abandon my dreams and visions.
I will think with my thoughts.
I chose to fall in love with who I am, as I am, right now.
To embrace the messy and wonderful world inside of me.
I won’t diminish my light, one more day. You hear me now.
I let go of the shadows. I open my hands. I open my heart.
I choose to see myself, and to be seen by you too.
I choose to see myself as everything, holy, worthy, and wildly me.
This is more than enough. I chose to be scandalous!
Being Wonderful is not a defect.
It’s a choice.

You hear me now.
Are you ready for this? I am. Today I choose.
I have chosen to be Wonderful!”
– Shiloh Sophia

inspiration, Motivation

Anything Goes On Sunday: Just Being Alive is Wonderful

Born, live, grow up (some people mentally evolve, some others devolve) die, and everything we breath in between: pain, laughter, sorrow, happiness, abandonment, love. We can make it, survive and enjoy life. Then we have to get ready to move on, to change rooms, to start living in the Big Picture that awaits each on of us.

In the meantime: Just Being Alive is Wonderful!


motivation inspiration just being alive is wonderful mexico


motivation inspiration just being alive is wonderful mexico


motivation inspiration just being alive is wonderful mexico


motivation inspiration just being alive is wonderful mexico
inspiration, Motivation

Sometimes We All Need A Little Uplifting Words

This is a good one by Audrey Hepburn

Small and persistent steps, always, in every path we take. Success is guaranteed

We are responsible for our success. And it feels wonderful when you can live it!

Hard and difficult to accomplish is more exciting. Easy is boring.