inspiration, mental health, Motivation

What Do You Do When Your Patience Wears Thin?

When Your Patience Wears Thin, what do you do? Some people do yoga, exercise, some others pray, others get so desperate they yell, behave erratically and dangerously. There is another approach people take: ignore their feelings and put them under the rug.

For starters, there are some persons who are truly patient and can take a lot of bad actions (betrayal, lies, etc) from others without saying a word, but eventually, everybody’s patience wears thin, sooner or later. What do you do when this happens to you?

I usually walk by myself, a long walk, with the path full of steep-climbs and difficulty. I love to climb stairs. When I come back I jump in the swimming pool and then relax, by then, my patience is healed.

inspiration family fun dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

Spending time with my daughter and grandchildren gives me great pleasure. I talk to the birds, plants, my livestock, I enjoy the sunlight rays. Enjoying nature fulfills my heart.

inspiration family fun dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

I re-read the Goodman and Gilman Pharmacology book and spend hours creating medical hypothesis and even theories that I have proven right and published.

inspiration family fun dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

Playing my guitar, singing my favorites songs CREDIT Photo to: George the cat – Ayleen O’Hanlon

inspiration family fun dra martha castro noriega tijuana mexico california usa

What do you do when your patience wears thin?